Look On The Bright Side

In this post, the Stonefire Apartments Blog is featuring a few tips to help you Look on the Bright Side this month. December 21st is Look on the Bright Side Day. Celebrate with these tips.We hope that you enjoy this post and that you find time to be a little more optimistic this month.

Get some sun

Winter clouds can give you the blues. Get a little sun by enjoying a short walk during the sunnier part of the day. Use a UV light to get some of the sun you might be missing. Look at pictures of summer sun. Boost your happiness by making December feel like June.

Believe you can improve

Carol Dweck’s research has been instrumental in showing that having a growth mindset can transform your life for the better. In believing that nothing is fixed, you are free to learn new things, improve your relationships, and change your habits. You can listen to her TED talk here. Believing that you can change your life is an easy way to look on the bright side — no failure is permanent. Think “not yet” the next time something doesn’t go your way.


Happiness isn’t just found in the here and now. Angela Lee Duckworth, another TED speaker, talks of the difference between successful and unsuccessful students —grit. Duckworth defines grit this way: “Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.” Endure through the hard days, the days when you just want to give up, to reach your end goal. While this might not bring you immediate happiness, it will make you happier in the long run as you achieve your long-held goals. You can listen to Duckworth’s TED talk here.

Spend time with someone you care about

Invite an old friend out to dinner or thank an old mentor with a visit. Make time for the people you care about this month. Having a long conversation with a friend or reconnecting with someone you haven’t seen in awhile is an easy way to boost your mood. Make time for the people you care about this month.

How do you look on the bright side? Leave us a comment and let us know. Thanks for reading!


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